Steff Leins

"Wir sind nicht auf dieser Welt um andererLeuteErwartungen zu erfüllen!"

Auf dieser Homepage möchte ich meine gesammelten Werke und Ideen veröffentlichen. 

"Freude verdoppelt sich, wenn ich sie teile!"

 In Sachen Feedback könnt Ihr mir schonungslos etwas Nettes sagen!

My Tattoo-Wannados made by "" (Instagram)

Ich habe die Bilder, etc., aus einem inneren Antrieb heraus in Angriff genommen. Mir geht es um Spass am kreativen Ausdruck - weniger denken, mehr machen!


On this website I want to showcase a collection of my works. New courses and workshops will also be added shortly. True to the mantra "happiness becomes greater when shared", the most important aspect for me, however, is to bring joy and inspire people with my creations. Another aspect is that this could mark the possible conclusion of my work as head of the St.
Josefs Stift's art studio in Eisingen, Germany where I guided disabled people to self expression through painting and art. What remains after that!?

Surely this won't be the end of my own artistic output. Be sure to send me your ruthlessly friendly feedback! The paintings and other works come from my own ideas and motivation. (comissions are also included)

But at the end of the day it's all about the joy of creative expression - less talking, more doing!